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  • Discounted Planet GT-802 MM SC 550m

    Net:89.00 zł
    Net:166.00 zł

    Call and order:
    +48 84 616 76 00

  • Discounted Tenda AC8 AC1200 Dual-band Gigabit WiFi Router

    AC8 is a dual band gigabit wireless router specially designed for family with fibre access.

    Net:77.90 zł
    Net:103.45 zł

    Call and order:
    +48 84 616 76 00

  • Discounted Źródło światła Grandway FHS1D02 1310/1550nm

    The Grandway FHS1D02 laser source is used to measure optical power levels at 1310/1550nm wavelengths

    Net:533.95 zł
    Net:694.13 zł
  • Discounted FiberTechnic® Ftech GW-04-DF GPON / EPON ONU 4GE+2POTS+Dual-Band WIFI AC SC/APC

    GPON Optical network unit Fibertechnic Ftech GW-04-DF 4x1Gb, WIFI AC, 2xPOTS is dedicated for FFHT network operators. It guarantees high quality data transmission, excellent experience with Internet and HD video services. It is compatible with Huawei, ZTE, DASAN.

    Net:129.00 zł
    Net:177.50 zł
  • Discounted Fibertechnic Ftech G-04 GPON / EPON ONU 4GE SC/APC BRIDGE

    GPON Optical network unit FiberTechnic® Ftech G-04 SFU 4x1Gb, is dedicated for FFHT network operators. It guarantees high quality data transmission, excellent experience with Internet and HD video services. It is compatible with Huawei, ZTE, DASAN.

    Net:100.99 zł
    Net:149.00 zł


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    Orders placed until 15:45 are dispatched the same day. Time of delivery depends from place of delivery..

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    Possibility to return goods after earlier agreement with Account Manager..

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