MikroTik RouterBOARD LHG 5 RBLHG-5nD 24.5dBi PtP CPE - 3 pcs. 

Manufacturer: MikroTik

ID: 11139

Net price: 672.72 zł

Gross: 827.45 zł

Quantity: szt.

Monika Patron

mobile.: +48 510 206 883

e-mail: m.patron@cyberteam.pl

skype: live:m.patron_3

Monika Patron

Product information:

The LHG is a compact and light 5GHz 802.11 a/n wireless device with an integrated dual polarization 24.5 dBi grid antenna at a revolutionary price. It is perfect for point to point links or for use as a CPE at longer distances and supports Nv2 TDMA protocol.

The grid design ensures protection against wind, and the fact that the antenna element is built into the wireless unit means no loss on cables.

Sets containing this product:

Product specification:

CPU nominal frequency
CPU core count
Size of RAM
10/100 Ethernet ports
Wireless chip model
Wireless standards
PoE in
Supported input voltage
Operating System
Tested ambient temperature
License level
Antenna gain DBI
Max Power consumption
Number of chains
Storage type
Storage size
600 MHz
64 MB
11 V - 30 V
Ø 391 x 222 mm; package 450 x 450 x 145 mm
-40 to 70° C
16 MB
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