Pigtail SC/APC SM 9/125 G.657A1 1m

Manufacturer: Fibertechnic®

ID: 2962

Net price: 3.06 zł

Gross: 3.76 zł

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Piotr Kawala

mobile.: +48 509 299 439

e-mail: piotrek@cyberteam.pl

skype: p.kawala@cyberteam.pl

Piotr Kawala

Product information:

Pigtail single mode optical fiber with SC / APC and 1m. Pigtail made on the fiber G.657A1 Corning (S7A1). Fiber pigtail SC / APC G.657A1 1m of polishing angle of 8 ° is formed in the outer jacket 0.9mm type of easy strip. 

Pigtails are produced in accordance with the IEC standard, EIA / TIA and standard Telcordia GR-326-CORE so successfully used telecommunications networks and access large bandwidth. 

Pigtail fiber G.657A1 is the most common type of installed fiber optimized for transmission at the wavelength of 1310 nm, and a transmission wavelength of 1550 nm. 

Pigtail type of coat is easy strip which enables download using one coat of shares from 100 - 150cm!

Product specification:

Rodzaj pigtaila
Rodzaj złącza
Typ włókna
Minimalny promień zgięcia
Tłumienność losowa, średnie ILw-w śr=
Reflektancja RL APC
Temperatura pracy
Średnica płaszcza zewnętrznego
-40 - +85 °C
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