Manufacturer: inni producenci
ID: 3343
Net price: 51.74 zł
Gross: 63.64 zł
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Stripper CLASS CFS-2 is a high quality, professional tool for removing 2-3mm sheaths and acrylics from 250>125nm fibres
The CLASS CFS-2 Stripper is a high quality, professional tool for removing 2-3mm diameter sheath from 125=181µm diameter fibres. In addition, the tool has a 1.98mm diameter hole, which allows the sheath of the cable to be cut, e.g. pigtails, patchcords. The stripper, thanks to its ergonomic design, is comfortable to use and accurately removes the buffer without damaging the fibre optic cable. It is possible to lock the stripper blades after use.
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Fiber optic cable Optix FTTH AirFlow S-QOTKSdD 1F 9/125 ITU-T G.657A2 1000m
OPTIX kabel Mini W-NOTKSd 1J 9/125 ITU-T G.657A2 1000m w powłoce LSZH jest przeznaczony do instalacji wewnętrznych w systemach FTTx.
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1F EXTRALINK FTTH DROP CABLE G657A2 to uniwersalne (zewnetrzno-wewnętrzne), okrągłe samonośne kable do zastosowania w systemach FTTx, wzmacniane włóknami aramidowymi (element nośny w instalacjach napowietrznych), lekka konstrukcja o małej średnicy 3mm, duża giętkość i odporność na przeciąganie, płaszcz PU, powłoka odporna na UV, całkowicie dielektryczne, siła naciąg instalacyjna: 500N, zakres temperaturowy od -20…+60 [°C]
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Micro Fiber optic cable Optix Z-XOTKtsd 24F 9/125 4T6F ITU-T G.652D 0.65kN
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Micro Fiber optic cable Optix Z-XOTKtsd 36F 9/125 4T12F ITU-T G.652D 0.65kN
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Micro Fiber optic cable Optix Z-XOTKtsd 48F 9/125 4T12F ITU-T G.652D 0.65kN
Micro Fiber optic cable Optix Z-XOTKtsd 72F 9/125 6T12F ITU-T G.652D 0.65kN
Micro Fiber optic cable Optix Z-XOTKtsd 96F 9/125 8T12F ITU-T G.652D 1.5kN
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Micro Fiber optic cable Optix Z-XOTKtsd 144F 9/125 12T12F ITU-T G.652D 1.5kN
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Fiber optic cable Optix ADSS-XOTKtsdD 12F 9/125 2T6F ITU-T G.652D 2.7kN (SPAN 50m)
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Fiber optic cable Optix ADSS-XOTKtsdD 12F 9/125 2T6F ITU-T G.652D 4.0kN (SPAN 100m)
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Fiber optic cable Optix ADSS-XOTKtsdD 24F 9/125 4T6F ITU-T G.652D 2.7kN (SPAN 50m)
Fiber optic cable Optix ADSS-XOTKtsdD 24F 9/125 4T6F ITU-T G.652D 4.0kN (SPAN 100m)
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Fiber optic cable Optix ADSS-XOTKtsdD 48F 9/125 4T12F ITU-T G.652D 2.7kN (SPAN 50m)
Fiber optic cable Optix ADSS-XOTKtsdD 48F 9/125 4T12F ITU-T G.652D 4.0kN (SPAN 100m)
Fiber optic cable Optix ADSS-XOTKtsdD 72F 9/125 6T12F ITU-T G.652D 2.7kN (SPAN 50m)
Fiber optic cable Optix ADSS-XOTKtsdD 72F 9/125 6T12F ITU-T G.652D 4.0kN (SPAN 100m)
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Fiber optic cable Optix ADSS-XOTKtsdD 96F 9/125 8T12F ITU-T G.652D 2.7kN (SPAN 50m)
Fiber optic cable Optix ADSS-XOTKtsdD 96F 9/125 8T12F ITU-T G.652D 4.0kN (SPAN 100m)
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Cyberteam Sp. z o.o.
ul. Strefowa 8,
22-400 Zamość
E-mail: cyberteam(at)
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