Manufacturer: Fibertechnic®
ID: 4958
Net price: 0.79 zł
Gross: 0.97 zł
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Tranparent Fiber Optic Cable W-VOTKSd 1J 0,9mm 9/125 ITU-T fiber G.657B3
GHOST W-VOTKSd cable - transparent "invisible" cable for indoor installation. Features: small diamater (0,9mm), big flexability (bending radius - 5mm). To be used for installations on the edges and corners of buildings, thanks to the usage od G657B3 fiber. The G657B3 fiber is ideal for installations requiring a reduced bending radius, tightly molten into a see-through and durable against damage PA-12 (nylon) coating.
It's possible to mount the cable by hot-gluing which makes it non-noticable. The cable is sold in 1km and 2km lenghts, packed on plastic spools.
Type of fiber Package Weight Coating material Maximum tensile strength installation Cable diamater |
G657B3 rotating spool 1000m or 2000m 10kg Nylon (0,25) 60N 0,9mm |
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Zestaw 12 pigtaili SC/APC, włókna jednomodowe, standard ITU-T G.657A2. Każdy pigtail rozróżniony został innym kolorem. Cena dotyczy 1 kompletu - 12 szt.
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Pigtail światłowodowy jednomodowy ze złączem SC/APC i długości 1m. Pigtail wykonany na włóknie Corning G.657A2 (S7A2).
Cyberteam Sp. z o.o.
ul. Strefowa 8,
22-400 Zamość
E-mail: cyberteam(at)
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