Manufacturer: Fibertechnic®
ID: 6298
Net price: 2.99 zł
Gross: 3.68 zł
Fibertechnic cable to micro-canalisation with 96 yarns. Multi-tube construction with G.652D yarns. Equivalent to Micro Z-XOTKtmd.
Fibertechnic Micro Z-XOTKtmd : are micro-canalisation magistral cables. A leightweight construction of small diameter 6.5mm, gel and water blocking construction (WB), fully dielectric, black PE coat (0.5mm) - UV resistant, installation tension strength 650N, temperature range -20…+70 [°C]. Equivalent to Z-XOTKtmd.
All Corning SMF-28 Ultra fiber ITU-T G652D fibers are color-coded accordingly to IEC 60304 standard. The tube consists up to 12 optical fibers with hydrofobic gel which secures the fibers from moisture and vibrations. Ripcords in the coat allow to take the exterior coat easily. Cables are meant for pneumatic (cable blowing) installation in micro-tubes 12/8mm, 14/10mm.
Identification of fiber yarns and tubes:
Service life minimum 25 years! Manufacturer guarantee 4 years!
Equivalent Total amount of fibers Type of fibers No. of tubes in cable No. of active tubes No. of fiber in tube Total diameter Tube diameter Tension strength (installation) Tension strength (operation) Temp. range installation Exterior coat Minimum bending radius Weight |
Micro Z-XOTKtmd 96 G652.D 8 pcs 8 pcs 12 pcs 6.5 mm 1.15/1.60 mm 650N 500N -40 ~ +70 °C PE 0,5mm 66 mm 28 kg/km |
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Cyberteam Sp. z o.o.
ul. Strefowa 8,
22-400 Zamość
E-mail: cyberteam(at)
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