Y-piece for HDPE duct 32mm, split - expandable

Manufacturer: inni producenci

ID: 6552

Net price: 79.22 zł

Gross: 97.44 zł

Quantity: szt.
For any technical questions, ask a specialist
Fibre optic networks specialist

Piotr Kawala

mobile.: +48 509 299 439

e-mail: piotrek@cyberteam.pl

skype: p.kawala@cyberteam.pl

Piotr Kawala

Product information:

Split Y-piece for HDPE 32mm ducts are used in the construction of local and long-distance tele-technical networks. Particularly used in primary cable ducts and cable ducts for fibre optic and signal cables.

A split Y-piece designed to connect HDPE/RHDPE pipes with an external diameter of 32 mm with a 45° branching. The connector is accessible and the clamping nuts are two-part so that installation is extremely swift and there is no need to cut or pull the fibre optic cable. The 45° branching angle will ensure a suitable bending radius for the cables, and the installation of the Y-piece on the pipes itself is done without the use of additional tools. In addition, the connector can be used as a connection device for microducts routed in bundles or multitubes. The connector is resistant to UV radiation and low and high temperatures, and can be used on the surface, in the ground or in sewers.

Product specification:

PP (Polypropylene)
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