Fiber optic cable Fibertechnic Lite Z-XOTKtsd 24F 2Tx12F G.652D 1,5kN

Manufacturer: Fibertechnic®

ID: 6880

Net price: 2.01 zł

Gross: 2.47 zł

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Piotr Kawala

mobile.: +48 509 299 439



Piotr Kawala

Product information:

Fiber optic single mode cable Fibertechnic Lite Z-XOTKtsd; A-DQ(ZN)2Y 24F 2Tx12F with a reduced diameter of 7.5mm.

Fibertechnic Lite A-DQ(ZN)2Y 24F: multi tube construction, high flexibility and big durability against dragging, central strengthening element (FRP yarn), security gel in the fiber tube and construction blocking from water (WB), moisture wicking yarns (WSY) / damp proofing tape, fully dielectric, HDPE 1.5mm coat - resistant to UV radiation, temperature range -40 - +60[°C] Z-XOTKtsd.

Maximum installation strength: 1 500N. All ITU-T G652D fibers and cable tubes are color-coded accordingly to IEC 60304. Each tube consisting up to 12 optical fibers are filled with hydrophobic gel which secures the fibers from moisture and vibrations. The center of the cable is protected against water intrusion through moisture wicking fibers or damp proofing tape. The tubes and the fillers of the cable are twisted around the central strengthening element - FRP rod. The cable is further enhanced with 2 yarns embedded just below the cable coat. The yarns allows to take of the coat of the cable easily (ripcords). The cables are intended for installation in primary and secondary telecommunication ducts using pneumatic (blowing) and mechanical (pulling) methods.

Identification of optical fibers and loose tubes:


For orders below <2000m we add the cost of rewinding cable and spool.

Product specification:

Total amount of fibers
Type of fibers
No. of tubes in cable
No. of active tubes
No. of fiber in tube
Total diameter
Tube diameter
Diameter of central element
Tension strength (installation)
Tension strength (operation)
Temp. range installation
Exterior coat
Supporting element
Minimum bending radius
6 pcs
2 pcs
12 pcs
7.5 mm
1.15/1.55 mm
2.5 mm
-40 ~ +60 °C
HDPE 1,5mm
FRP central rod
120 mm
42 kg/km


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