Manufacturer: inni producenci
ID: 6975
Net price: 5.77 zł
Gross: 7.10 zł
Anchoring clamp for 4-8 self-supporting fibre optic cables with 380mm of wire.
Anchoring clamp designed for the suspension of self-supporting round cables of the ADSS type, whose diameter is in the range 4-8 mm. Made from high quality weather and UV resistant thermoplastic.
Handle dimensions: 340x70x39mm
Thermoplastic body: 110mm
Stainless steel wire: 380mm
Przeznaczenie Średnica kabli Minimalna siła zrywająca Waga |
linie napowietrzne 4-8 mm 3.6 kN 0.2 kg |
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Cyberteam Sp. z o.o.
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