50W Heating set with thermostat for cabinets 

Productor: Cyberteam Sp. z o.o.

ID: 4505

Precio neto: 140.12 zł

Precio bruto: 172.35 zł

Producto no disponible temporalmente

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Monika Patron

móvil.: +48 510 206 883

e-mail: m.patron@cyberteam.pl

skype: live:m.patron_3

Monika Patron

Información del producto:

Heating set for cable, telecommunications, energy and other cabinets.

Cabinet heating set - is a conventional radiator heater designed for heating cable, telecommunications, energy and other types of cabinets in industrial applications.

The heating set consists of DIN rail TS-35 mounted:

  • mechanical thermostat KTO-011
  • clamp and connection wires
  • a heating component in the form of a power resistor, which is mounted on an aluminium heatsink to ensure correct heat dissipation.
The heating component is connected to mechanical thermostat which cuts the power after the temperature inside the cabinet reaches set amount. The heaters power is 50W, while the temperature of heating component (in steady state) doesn’t exceed 200°C. The heating component, materials and solutions used allow the heater to operate for a long time without deterioration. The thermostat ensures the correct temperature, providing the desired environmental/temperature conditions for the equipment installed in the cabinet, while protecting the cabinet against sudden temperature increase.

The design of the heating set allows for heat distribution based on free convection, which means that the set should be mounted horizontally (radiator fins perpendicular to the cabinet’s floor).

The device should be mounted at the bottom of the cabinet, with a minimum distance of 3 cm from cables and equipment.

The heatsink - which exchanges heat with the surroundings - should not be covered from above.

Especificaciones del producto:

KTO-011 (NC)
klasa I/class I
-20° ÷ +80°
Peso [kg]0,48
Dimensiones [mm]500 x 115 x 50
Termostato mecánico KTO-011
0° - 60°
7° ÷ 4°
-20° ÷ 80°
Peso [kg]0,04
Dimensiones [mm]60 x 43 x 33


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