Ubiquiti IsoStation 5AC IS-5AC 5GHz 14dBi 5GHz 802.11ac 450+ Mbps

Productor: Ubiquiti Networks

ID: 4725

Precio neto: 455.37 zł

Precio bruto: 560.10 zł

Producto no disponible temporalmente

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Monika Patron

móvil.: +48 510 206 883

e-mail: m.patron@cyberteam.pl

skype: live:m.patron_3

Monika Patron

Información del producto:

With a die-cast aluminum base and interchangeable antenna, the IsoStation is available in two models and brings increased performance to your network using technology that isolates beam communications between your devices. The IsoStation AC delivers throughput speeds of up to 450+ Mbps.

Another iteration of Ubiquiti Customer Premises Equippment brings whole new features to the wireless solutions table. The changes are focussing in better beamwidth management, easier development and configuration and finally Ubiquiti is doing everything to make the solution flexible.

New Isostation features include:

- die-cast aluminium base that minimizes noise and isolates the radio

- dedicated 2,4GHz management via Wi-Fi

- brand new unique antenna design

- interchangable antennas

- latest 802.11ac  gen2 wireless standard capable of 450+ Mbps transmission

Especificaciones del producto:

Dimensions (with horn antenna)
Weight (with horn antenna)
Max. Power Consumption
Power Supply
Power Method
Networking Interface
Processor Specs
Wind Loading
Wind Survivability
ESD/EMP Protection
Operating Temperature
Operating Humidity
174 x 174 x 150 mm
24V, 0.5A Gigabit PoE Adapter
Passive PoE (Pairs 4, 5+; 7, 8 Return)
14 dBi
45° (Default Horn)
1x 10/100/1000 Ethernet Port
MIPS 74 Kc
64 MB DDR2
1x Power
36 N @ 200 km/h (8.09 lbf @ 125 mph)
200 km/h (125 mph)
± 24 kV Contact/Air
-40 to 70° C (-40 to 158° F)
5% to 95% Noncondensing
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