Productor: Fibertechnic®
ID: 6127
Precio neto: 0.52 zł
Precio bruto: 0.64 zł
Fibertechnic optic cable Aero Z-XOTKtcdDb 2J ITU-T Corning SMF-28 Ultra fiber, single tube, universal. The cable is designed for aerial installation on a span of 80m and for installation in telecommunication ducts. The cable is strengthened with 2 ARP fiber glass rods.
Fibertechnic Z-XOTKtcdD fiber cable is a one tube light construction (~25kg/km), large flexibility and durability against dragging despite small diameter (~4.5mm), security gel in the fiber tube and construction blocking from water (WB), HDPE coat, UV resistant shell, temperature range between -40° and 70°C, strengthened with two ARP yarns (0.9mm) and fiberglass, fully dielectric; equivalent to Z-XOTKtcdD. Maximum installation tension 1200N.
All Corning SMF-28 Ultra fiber ITU-T G652D fibers are color-coded accordingly to IEC 60304 standard. The tube consists of up to 4 optical fibers with hydrofobic gel which secures the fibers from moisture and vibrations. The center of the cable is protected against water intrusion through moisture wicking fibers. The cable is strengthened with fiber glass yarns. Additionaly the cable is enhanced with 2 ARP rods embedded just below the cable coat. Cables are meant for aerial installation on span to 80m and also in primary and secondary tele-technical canalisation by pneumatic (cable blowing) and mechanical (cable pulling methods).
Cables are manufactured in Europe by using fiber of an American producer Corning. Service life 25 years! Manufacturer guarantee 4 years!
Price is for linear meter. Cable is available on spools of 2000m and 4000m length.
Equivalent Total amount of fibers Type of fibers No. of tubes in cable No. of active tubes No. of fiber in tube Total diameter Tube diameter Diameter of central element Tension strength (installation) Tension strength (operation) Temp. range operation Temp. range installation Exterior coat Supporting element Minimum bending radius Weight |
Z-XOTKtcdDb 2J G652.D Corning 1 pcs 1 pcs 4 pcs 4,5 mm 2 mm 0,5 mm 1200N 750N -40 ~ +70 °C -5 ~ +70 °C HDPE ARP rod 90 mm 21 kg/km |
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Pregunta sobre el producto
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Pregunta sobre el producto
Pregunta sobre el producto
Narzędzie, nóż NF-DAC5 do cięcia wzdłużnie kabli światłowodowych Fibertechnic o średnicy 4-6mm
Cyberteam Sp. z o.o.
ul. Strefowa 8,
22-400 Zamość
E-mail: cyberteam(at)
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