Fiber optic cable Fibertechnic ADSS Z-XOTKtsdDb 24J 4Tx6F G.652D Fujikura / Corning 3,0kN (SPAN 100m)

Productor: Fibertechnic®

ID: 6685

Precio neto: 2.38 zł

Precio neto:3.63 zł

Precio bruto: 2.93 zł

Cantidad: mb.
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Fibre optic networks specialist

Piotr Kawala

móvil.: +48 509 299 439



Piotr Kawala

Información del producto:

Fibertechnic optic cable ADSS Z-XOTKtsdDb 24J with Corning/Fujijkura ITU-T G.652D in a 4Tx6F multi tube construction, one modal, self supporting, aerial SPAN 100m.

ADSS А-DQ(ZN-AY)2Y-4T6Е-1,5/3,0kN 24J fiber cable: multi tube construction, self-supporting, with big durability against dragging, central strengthening element (FRP yarn), security gel in the fiber tube and construction blocking from water (WB), moisture wicking yarns (WSY) / damp proofing tape, fully dielectric, strengthened with aramid yarns, PE 1.8mm coat - resistant to UV radiation, temperature range -40 - +60[°C].

Maximum installation tension 3000N.

All Corning SMF-28 Ultra fiber ITU-T G652D fibers are color-coded accordingly to IEC 60304 standard. The tube consists of 12 optical fibers, filled with hydrophobic gel which secures the fibers from moisture and vibrations. The center of the cable is protected against water intrusion through moisture wicking fibers or damp proofing tape. The tubes and the fillers of the cable are twisted around the central strengthening element - FRP rod. The cable is further enhanced with 2 yarns embedded just below the cable coat. The yarns allows to take of the coat of the cable easily (ripcords). Cables are meant for aerial installation on span to 100m (3kN) and also in primary and secondary tele-technical canalisation.

Identification of optical fibers and loose tubes:

Especificaciones del producto:

Total amount of fibers
Type of fibers
No. of tubes in cable
No. of active tubes
No. of fiber in tube
Total diameter
Tube diameter
Diameter of central element
Tension strength (installation)
Tension strength (operation)
Temp. range installation
Exterior coat
Supporting element
G.652D Corning
6 pcs
4 pcs
6 pcs
9.0 mm
1.8/1.9 mm
2.0 mm
-40 ~ +60 °C
PE 1,8mm
glass yarns, FRP central rod
54,1 kg/km


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