produttore: MikroTik
ID: 1561
Prodotto archiviato
The RB400L is our new low cost series.
The RB411L has one miniPCI slot and one Ethernet port.
Use this device in an outdoor case for a CPE device,or a point to point wireless link installation. The miniPCI
slot allows you to choose your own preferred wireless card model.
It’s powered by an Atheros 300MHz CPU and has 32MB of RAM and a Level3 RouterOS license.
CPU speed Current Monitor CPU RAM Architecture LAN ports MiniPCI Integrated Wireless USB Memory Cards Power Jack 802.3af support PoE Voltage Monitor CPU temperature monitor PCB temperature monitor Dimensions Operating System Temperature range RouterOS License |
300MHz No AR7130 32MB MIPS-BE 1 1 0 0 0 No No 10-28V No No No 105x105mm RouterOS -30C to +60C Level3 |
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Karta Sparklan WMIA123AG mPCI a/b/g ATHEROS 5213A (chipset Atheros 5213 + 5112) zbudowana w oparciu o referencyjny projekt firmy Atheros. Karty posiadają dwa wyjścia antenowe w standardzie U.FL (SMT Hirose ultra miniature coaxial connectors) umożliwiające przyłączenie anteny zewnętrznej.
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Zasilacz impulsowy zintegrowany z injectorem PoE (pasywny, nie zgodny z IEEE 802.3af) oraz diodą LED.
Chiedi informazioni
Zasilacz impulsowy zintegrowany z injectorem PoE (pasywny, nie zgodny z IEEE 802.3af) oraz diodą LED
Cyberteam Sp. z o.o.
ul. Strefowa 8,
22-400 Zamość
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