produttore: Ubiquiti Networks

ID: 2355

Prezzo netto: 295.52 zł

Prezzo lordo: 363.49 zł

Quantità: szt.

Monika Patron

cellulare.: +48 510 206 883


skype: live:m.patron_3

Monika Patron

Informazioni sul prodotto:

UBIQUITI PowerBeam M2-400 18dBi 2GHz MIMO, High-Performance airMAX Bridge

Starting with the first-generation NanoBridge, Ubiquiti Networks pioneered the all-in-one design for an airMAX product functioning as a CPE (Customer Premises Equipment). Now Ubiquiti Networks launches the latest generation of CPE, the PowerBeam.

Improved Noise Immunity The PowerBeam directs RF energy in a tighter beamwidth. With the focus in one direction, the PowerBeam blocks or spatially filters out noise, so noise immunity is improved. This feature is especially important in an area crowded with other RF signals of the same or similar frequency.

Integrated Design The NanoBeam models are available in two form factors:

    All-in-One Design The Ubiquiti Research and Development team combined the radio and antenna to create a more efficient and compact CPE. The NanoBeam gets maximum gain out of the smallest footprint.
    Dish Reflector Design Ubiquiti's InnerFeed technology integrates the radio into the feedhorn of an antenna, so there is no need for a cable. This improves performance because it eliminates cable losses. Providing increased performance from its faster processor and innovative mechanical design at a low cost, the NanoBeam is extremely versatile and cost-effective to deploy

Il disciplinare:

Dimensions (mm)

Power Supply
Power Method

Max. Power Consumption
Wind Loading
Wireless Approvals
RoHS Compliance
420 x 420 x 289 mm
(16.54 x 16.54 x 11.38 in)
1.795 kg
24V, 0.5A PoE
Passive PoE
(Pairs 4, 5+; 7, 8 Return)
6 W
4.8 lbf @ 125 mph
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