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ID: 4116
Prodotto archiviato
Fiber Optic Patch Panel 1U 19'' 24xSC duplex is designed for mounting in 19" RACK cabinets and racks.
It's pened from the top, equipped with a permanent panel with 24 holes enabling the assembly of SC duplex adapters. The switchgear is used to organize fiber optic cables using pigtails and welding trays.
The whole is made of 1mm thick steel sheet and powder coated RAL7035. In the distributor, in the back part there are 4 openings (2 open and 2 closed) for PG 13.5 chokes
Inside the distributor, there is a screw with a knurled nut for attaching one or two welding trays and plastic cable stocks.
Pictures are for reference only - no adapters and trays included.
Dimensions Weight Stuff Colour Front panel Drawer pull-out Trays included Equipment Warranty |
483mm x 255mm x 90mm 3.0kg steel RAL7035 light gray 24xSC duplex no no 2 x throttle, plastic 2 cable stocks 24 months |
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Tacka spawów SPT01 24J o innowacyjnej konstrukcji wykonana z wytrzymałego materiału ABS, umożliwiająca montaż do 24 osłonek ze spawem.
Zestaw montażowy RACK (śruba + koszyczek + podkładka) służący do mocowania urządzeń w szafach RACK. Opakowanie zawiera 50kpl. Długość śruby 20mm.
Chiedi informazioni
Tacka spawów 12-24J z elastycznymi czerwonymi koszykami na osłonki spawów oraz z pokrywą na zawiasach
Cyberteam Sp. z o.o.
ul. Strefowa 8,
22-400 Zamość
E-mail: cyberteam(at)
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