A complete tool kit for fiber optic welder

produttore: ULTIpulse

ID: 4226

Prezzo netto: 2 999.00 zł

Prezzo lordo: 3 688.77 zł

Quantità: szt.
For any technical questions, ask a specialist
Fibre optic networks specialist

Piotr Kawala

cellulare.: +48 509 299 439

e-mail: piotrek@cyberteam.pl

skype: p.kawala@cyberteam.pl

Piotr Kawala

Informazioni sul prodotto:

A set of tools designed for customers who, together with the purchase of welding machines, expect complete equipment with the most frequently used tools and consumables, and after the welding they want to make control measurements of attenuation of the constructed tracks.

The set transported in a sturdy suitcase.

Kit equipped with:
- Source 850 LED, 1310/1550 nm Laser (OLS-UP30C-3L)
- Power meter InGaAs, Hi-Power, (OPM-UP30B), accuracy 5%, range -50 + 26dBm
- Stripper Tri-hole
- Stripper for flat cables FTTX (2x3mm)
- Stripper for the coat and tubes, Ideal 45-162
- Stripper for the coat and tubes, Ideal 45-163
- Cable stripping tool, Ripley RCS-114
- Stripper for coat and reinforcement, Ripley ACS
- Kevlar scissors
- Visual damage locator, light pen, 10mW, (VFL-UP310)
- Cable cutters with a diameter of 10.2mm

and consumables:
- Cleaning cartridge for fiber optic ferrules
- Automatic cleaner for 2.5mm connectors and adapters (OCC-25)
- Fiber trash bin
- Dispenser with IPA alcohol dispenser
- Isopropyl alcohol 1l
- Dust-free wipes
- Fiber optic splices covers 41mm
- Durable tool bag

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