Cable Puller 100m, 6mm + Stand

produttore: OPTO

ID: 4244

Prezzo netto: 516.51 zł

Prezzo lordo: 635.31 zł

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Fibre optic networks specialist

Piotr Kawala

cellulare.: +48 509 299 439



Piotr Kawala

Informazioni sul prodotto:

Fibreglass (FRP) Cable Puller with a diameter of 6mm and a length of 100m including a stand.


Fibreglass with two initial sleeves for pulling the cables, wound on a solid easy-to-use frame/stand. The frame is equipped with a hand brake to prevent the rotating element on which the fibreglass is wound from unwinding too much.

Fibreglass cable pullers are used for cable work in sewer pipes and culverts. They are also suitable for cleaning and pushing sewers.

The glass fibre is selected according to the existing length of the sewer section to be installed. The longer the fibre, the thicker it should be. Recommended parameters are lengths up to 100m diameter of 4.5mm and 6mm, while above 100m the thickness of the fibre should be a minimum of 11mm. This reduces the risk of damage to the fibre during installation.

Shipment calculated separately.

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