produttore: OPTO
ID: 6198
Prezzo netto: 105.32 zł
Prezzo netto:131.65 zł
Prezzo lordo: 129.54 zł
TRACOM MDU E24 oval port socket with panel for 18xSC Simplex adapters
The Tracom FTTX MDU E24 (uncut port) fibre optic splice enclosure is a box-type enclosure with 26 inlet/outlet ports. This type of enclosure is used to protect fibre optic cable splices and splitter applications. The polycarbonate (PC) material forming the enclosure is a high quality material resistant to UV radiation, low (-40°C) and high (+60°C) temperatures and chemicals, making it suitable for both overhead, duct and ground installations. It is designed for easy and efficient installation and offers a proven fibre management system. All metal parts of the box are made of corrosion resistant materials. The box has 2 split boxes, each designed to accommodate 9 simplex SC/LC duplex adapters and a 1x8 SC/ 1x16 LC steel splitter, which combined with the 24 client outlet ports can significantly streamline and reduce installation time.
A design innovation is the standard port for 2 cable glands (PG) and a separately supplied oval port for self-installation, allowing you to decide how you want to use the splice enclosure depending on your needs as they arise.
Dimensions: 288mm x 270mm x 105mm
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Splitter PLC symetryczny z podziałem mocy optycznej 1:8 w powłoce pigtail 0,9mm w obudowie typu steel box ze złączami SC/APC
Splitter PLC symetryczny z podziałem mocy optycznej 1:16 w powłoce pigtail 0,9mm w obudowie typu steel box ze złączami SC/APC
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Cyberteam Sp. z o.o.
ul. Strefowa 8,
22-400 Zamość
E-mail: cyberteam(at)
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