produttore: Fibertechnic®
ID: 6336
Prezzo netto: 0.87 zł
Prezzo lordo: 1.07 zł
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Fibertechnic optic cable AERO FLAT Z-XOTKtcdp 8J G.652D 1,2kN with ITU-T Corning SMF-28 Ultra fiber, flat, single tube, aerial SPAN 70m. The cable is strengthened with FRB fiber glass rods.
The outdoor fiber optic cable is designed for aerial installation on network or telecommunication poles, between buildings and other constructions, on walls.
Fibertechnic AERO FLAT Z-XOTKtcdp cable: single tube construction, with big durability against dragging, security gel in the fiber tube and construction blocking from water (WB), PE coat, ripcord, resistant to UV radiation, temperature range -40 - +70[°C], 2 FRP strengthening rods (0.9mm) and fiber glass yarns, fully dielectric. It is equivalent to Aero DF. Maximum installation tension 1200N.
All Corning SMF-28 Ultra fiber ITU-T G652D fibers are color-coded accordingly to IEC 60304 standard. The tube consists of up to 12 optical fibers, filled with hydrophobic gel which secures the fibers from moisture and vibrations. In the HDPE layer there are 2 FRP rods in order to strengthen the cable. Cables are meant for aerial installation on span to 70m.
Cables are manufactured in Europe by using fiber of an American producer Corning. Service life 25 years! Manufacturer guarantee 4 years!
Price is given for 1 linear meter. On a spool there is 2000m or 4000m of fiber optic cable.
Equivalente: Quantita' di fibre: Tipo di fibre: Quantita' dei tubi: Quantita' dei tubi attivi: Quantita' delle fibre nei tubi: Diametro nominale: Diametro del tubo: Diametro del elemento centrale: Resistenza allo schiacciamento: Guaina esterna: Materiale di rafforzamento: Peso: |
AERO FLAT Z-XOTKtcdp 2F G652.D Corning 1 pezzo 1 pezzo 2 pezzi 3,3x6,0mm 2 mm 0,9 mm 1200N HDPE sbarre FRP 16,2 kg/km |
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Cyberteam Sp. z o.o.
ul. Strefowa 8,
22-400 Zamość
E-mail: cyberteam(at)
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